Have Any Questions?


For any additional requests or concerns, please e-mail us!

An online course is for any individual not able to attend an onsite school, people that are busy, or for people that learn best at their own pace.

Once your payment is accepted, you will be immediately taken to the course page. Just click on the lesson you want to study and it will open on a new browser window. When finished, just click on the return arrow and you will be taken back to the course page.

These courses are for people that already know a little English. However, with diligence and determination, these ESL courses will benefit anyone.

How many lessons you take is up to you.  Each lesson can be taken as a stand-alone lesson or in any order you desire.

If payment does not go through, first check with your financial institution. Payments are made in U.S. currency through the payment systems indicated in the payment window. Ensure that you have an account with those institutions.

After payment is received and verified, you will receive a password to access the lessons. Just follow the sign-in instructions and you will be logged into the ESL Texas Style lesson site. Please notice that only the Annual and Extended Payment methods allow for offline viewing. 

Anyone purchasing the Annual and Extended payment methods will have access to any newly developed advanced courses. As soon as a new lesson is developed, it will be posted on the lesson site. Any additional lesson material associated with a lesson will be available for download through the lesson site. Be sure to read the monthly newsletter for new lesson release dates.

After purchasing course, go to the download page and click on the lesson worksheets you need.  They should immediately start downloading to your computer.

About Us

It is not about us, but it’s all about you! Our purpose is to help you succeed in life.  You have nothing to lose, but you have everything to gain. Enroll in our course and let us guide you!

What We're All About

Our lessons have been prepared with the learner in mind. We have taken into account what a second language learner needs to function in society. Our lessons serve to do that! We are here to help you along the way! Just e-mail us with any concern you have!

Learn Something Every Day

In my youth, an older friend once told me, “You may give out, but never give up!”

J. D. Scott
Friend and Mentor
Our Vision

Who We Are

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."


Study with an open mind! Don’t ever think that you know everything there is to know about a subject or topic. There is always something new to learn. A lot of deliberation, time, and effort went into developing these courses. Also, more advanced courses will be forthcoming. We have purposely kept the costs at a reasonable price, so we can help as many individuals as possible. What makes ESL Texas Style different from other language learning sites? Firstly, our purpose is to help you, the student, master English competently so that you can function in society like a native speaker. With time and patience, your knowledge will increase and your pronunciation will get better.

Secondly, compared to other ESL sites, ESL Texas style is unique because we use the whole language approach. Thirdly, we not only teach tourist lingo, but also English for all professions. Fourthly, we provide you with extra practice. Just  download the grammar and vocabulary worksheets with answers from our website. If you ever have a situation where you do not understand the lesson, just send us an email explaining your issue. Beyond any doubt, we will get back with you in the minimum amount of time possible. We want to help you achieve your goals, whatever that goal in life may be. So do not wait! Go to the sign in page and take that first step in making your life’s goal come true! Enroll now!

Learn at Your Own Pace

Pace yourself! Set a little time each day for studying. Don't feel like you have to learn everything in one sitting. Your objective is to learn and internalize what you study. Slowly but surely, you will cross that finish line.